ARFF Short Class

The last couple of weeks various local companies from Dauphin County participated in an ARFF Course sponsored by Dauphin County Station 70 – Harrisburg International Airport (HIA). The class involved basic knowledge of different types of aircrafts along with hands on experience with commercial, personal and military aircraft. In the conclusion of the class, each company participated in a mock crash at HIA with the “Gray Ghost” training aircraft, Company 88 and 59 rescued a trapped victim along with handling fire suppression. While Company 54 and 55 set up EMS staging and triage.

Companies Involved:

59 Lower Swatara
88 Middletown
55 Highspire
54 Londonderry
39 Grantville
70 Harrisburg International Airport (HIA)
71 PA Air National Guard

Photos courtesy of Captain William Rust

This entry was posted by lowerswatara59.